Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Purchase

We bought this house in April 2008.  I have wanted a fixer-upper for quite a few years and found this opportunity in November 2007.  We looked at it for several weeks and then in December 2007 the Ice Storm devastated the magnificent oak trees and birch tree in the backyard. The backyard was such a draw to the house, we had to have the vision to see past the debris and sheared trees and see what could be.  The entire area looked like the "trufala trees" in Dr. Suess's tale.  Nevertheless, in April we sold our previous house and bought our last residence.  We have been remodeling it ever since, and I expect that we will be remodeling it the remainder of our lives.  I now know how my dad always had projects ongoing in the garage and around the house.  Clearly, that kept him happy as it does me.  Like our Home, this blog will be a work in progress and hopefully improve as I get better at "blogging"...and typing.

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