Monday, May 11, 2009

A New French Door

Several months ago, i was walking through Lowes and found a French door that had been returned.  I bought it and saved about $700.  I wasn't quite ready for it so it sat in our garage until this weekend.  I finally started work on the installation of the door.  After having some electrical outlets moved (by an electrician, not this weekend remodeler), I was ready to start demolition.  Fortunately, Corbin was around to help.  We began by chiseling the bricks from the house.  While the majority of the bricks come out fairly easy, it get difficult around the edges.  Keep in mind, only selected bricks are removed on the edges because you have to re-mortar bricks when you got finishing the project.  We got the bricks out and tackled the old window.  Of course, we were too impatient (well I guess I was, since Corbin was just following my lead) to try to ascertain how the window would easily come out.  We just forced it and showered ourselves with glass.  Corbin had suggested putting a tarp on the ground so it wasn't too much of a mess.  Once we had the window out, we cleaned up the mess, removed the old 2x4 studs, installed spacer studs and inserted the door.  With the insertion of just a few shims, we had it leveled.  The installation has completely changed the look of the back of the house and given us quick access to and from our bedroom.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Purchase

We bought this house in April 2008.  I have wanted a fixer-upper for quite a few years and found this opportunity in November 2007.  We looked at it for several weeks and then in December 2007 the Ice Storm devastated the magnificent oak trees and birch tree in the backyard. The backyard was such a draw to the house, we had to have the vision to see past the debris and sheared trees and see what could be.  The entire area looked like the "trufala trees" in Dr. Suess's tale.  Nevertheless, in April we sold our previous house and bought our last residence.  We have been remodeling it ever since, and I expect that we will be remodeling it the remainder of our lives.  I now know how my dad always had projects ongoing in the garage and around the house.  Clearly, that kept him happy as it does me.  Like our Home, this blog will be a work in progress and hopefully improve as I get better at "blogging"...and typing.